Sunday, April 19, 2015


 Chapter 12 of this book titled “integrating Technology and Creating Change as Teacher Leaders” Wasa very Interesting and informative chapter.

The first topic I would like to talk about is the two terms inclusion and infusion. Inclusion means that computers and information technologies are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills. They are included, but not central to students’ day-to-day educational experiences. Infusion means that computers and other information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in all academic subjects at all grade levels. They are a continuing part of the day-to-day educational experience of students. I choose to talk about these terms because I myself didn’t really know the meaning of them. But now that I do, I feel more informed. I think the term Infusion is more of what classrooms are starting to look like today. Technology is really becoming a vital source for classrooms.

The second thing I would like to talk about is features of a technology-integrated classroom. Technology integration refers to the way that teachers connect technology into all aspects of their instructional and professional work. So the features of a technology-integrated classroom would be a class equipped with technologies such as computers, tablets, dvd player, interactive whiteboard, digital pens, a video conferencing system and more. I feel as though a classroom integrated with technology would be really efficient. I think it is a good thing to have students being able to access so much technology and use them in their everyday school work. I think that with technology already playing such a big part in education, this is just the next step really.

The third thing I would like to touch on is one-to-one laptop computing. This means that every student in a grade, school, or district would have his or her own computing device to use in school. Which basically means every student would have their own laptop. I feel that this in a sense is a good Idea. This way all students for sure have access to a computer to do their work. These days it’s hard to do a lot of your schoolwork without the use of a computer so for every student to have one would be beneficial, but the one thing I think about this being a bad idea, is because of the cost. Computers are expensive and what happens if a student breaks their laptop? For elementary students to have these computers is a good thing just they tend to be a bit on the hyper side and they probably aren’t going to properly take care of these devices.

Created by Ashlynn Barnes on

Work Cited

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. lead to bad things.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Chapter 6 was a very interesting and informative chapter

The first thing I would like to talk about is WebQuests. WebQuests are online inquires by students that are designed and guided by teachers. In a WebQuest, students follow an electronic map or take an online tour, moving from one web resource to the next to gather information. I chose to talk about webquests because I have had to do one for this class. I find WebQuests to be very interesting and a little fun to make.

The second topic I would like to discuss is online learning and virtual schools. Online learning refers to the delivery of educational experiences through computers and other technologies. Virtual schools are educational organizations that teach students mainly through online learning. In many virtual school programs the students never actually enters a real school and does all work and tests on the computer. This online schooling is a debate amongst people, due to things such as it being a very isolated experience. I personally taken a few online courses. I feel as though for elementary through high school, online schooling is not the best. Students should be leaning face to face and they should also be around other students. The first online class I took was in high school and it was a Spanish class, It was very hard to learn a language online. I ended up failing the class and having to retake it in an actual class where I got an A as my final grade. But for the college levels I believe that online learning is great.  I have take both online and in-class courses in college and I have excelled in both. The online learning is not always just doing everything on a computer. In my other classes geared toward teaching I have been required to go and observe at schools and for other classes I have had to go and take tests at a school. It’s a little different than when I took a online class in high school.

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The last thing I would like to touch on is taking virtual field trips. The book says that virtual field trips take students to places all over the world without even having to leave the classroom. Virtual field trips are a flexible teaching approach. I think that virtual field trips are cool. This really just shows how far technology has come. Years ago you could only go on a field trip in person. This is a cheaper and easier way to be able to see things.

Work Cited

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. lead to bad things.

" What is a Virtual Field Trip?." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 11 april. 2015.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Chapter 11 which was titled “Engaging students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning” Was a very informative and interesting chapter.

The first thing I want to talk to you about in this chapter would be, Democratic schools and classrooms. Democratic schools and classrooms are places where students and teachers together make substantive decisions about important aspects of educational operations, from the academic curriculum to school climate and rules. Some say that if given the chance to suggest ideas for the classroom, students will suggest immature things such as less homework or more student socializing. I feel that letting the students to have a voice about things in the classroom may in a sense not be the best idea but also I see it as a good thing. If students got to be actively involved then maybe they would enjoy school more in a sense.

The second thing I would like to touch on is Digital portfolios and their advantages and disadvantages. A digital portfolio may contain all of the material usually found in a paper bound portfolio, but multimedia technologies are used to present the information. For students, a digital portfolio becomes both a personal and public piece of writing. Advantages of using digital portfolios are that they are accessible and portable, and easily maintained. Also digital publications encourages new, creative expressions of ones ideas and accomplishments, and digital portfolios offer connections to wider educational communities through electronic communications. Disadvantages would be that going digital would require students to know or learn to use computers, scanners, cameras, and other tools. Also students would a need teacher support in building a portfolio, and not everyone will view each student’s portfolio which will lead to little to no feedback and a disappointed student. Personally I think that a portfolio should be digital because they pros outweigh the cons. A digital portfolio is easier to manage and are easier to access.

The third thing I would like to discuss is test assessments and performance evaluations. The assessment of students occurs across a spectrum of approaches. All test assessments are designed to measure successful learning and effective teaching. Some types of performance evaluations for students would be: student writing assignments, homework, individual presentations and performances, open note quizzes and more.  I feel that these assessments are important, you need them to see how a student is doing and how well they listened to the information taught in a lesson. But also its evaluating a student without giving them a test that they will freak out about.

Created by Ashlynn Bares on

Work Cited

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. lead to bad things.

" Make Your Voice Heard: Discover Democratic Education." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 5 april. 2015.